Piccadilly Cards & Gifts / Thorntons – 23 and 25 Market Place, Warwick

Piccadilly Cards & Gifts / Thorntons – 23 and 25 Market Place, Warwick
Place Card Frames
Image by ell brown
This shop is Piccadilly Cars & Gifts. It is also a Thorntons chocolate and ice cream shop.

It is on the corner of New Street and Swan Street in Warwick. Near or part of Market Place.

I think it might be 23 and 25 Market Place. A timber-framed building dating from 1634.

On the far right (on Swan Street) is the toy shop Tendays.

It is a Grade II* listed building.

In 1781 in might have been part of the Market Place (the actual Market Hall is nearby in Market Place).

Circa 1634, 3 storeys, altered and restored at various times. Timber framing is exposed on two upper floors and although considerable replacements have been made much of the original work remains particularly to west elevation facing New Street. Second storey is jettied and projecting joists have moulded ends. Four alternating large and small gable heads with chevron and geometrical framing. First storey has alternating bays of chevron and close square framing. First floor is jettied as second floor. Fairly satisfactory plate glass shopfronts and one C19 pair of Gothic windows and door. Remainder of ground floor is stucco. West elevation (to New Street) is similar, but with one large and two small gable heads; a greater proportion of this timber framing is original. On corner of New Street are three crude carved heads of considerable interest. C18 sashes in cased frames throughout on upper floors. Restored roof of old tiles and machine tiles. Interior: plaster overmantel with royal arms of Charles I and date ? 1634.

23 and 25 Market Place, Warwick -British Listed Buildings

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