20071110 – Stacy & Louise’s wedding – Hokie cake – (by Sean) – 1957476867_4d0c186386_o
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
A Hokie cake!
BACKSTORY: Stacy & Louise got married! It was a really nice wedding! We almost had a bad scheduling conflict, as there was a SubGenius devival the same day. But it turns out this wedding was an early wedding! I might normally frown on that, but it really worked out well. We had to leave the reception before everyone else, but not too much before. And we had to change clothes in the parking lot (ahh, to be pantsless at a wedding) prior to driving directly to Baltimore. And I may or may not have been sober when we departed. But then I definitely was. And then, by the time we got to park in Baltimore, I may or may not have been sober again 🙂 It was an interesting drive…
Hokie cake.
Hokie. Virginia Tech.
Saint Mary’s Catholic Church, Alexandria, Virginia.
November 10, 2007.
Pic by Sean.
… Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com
… Read Stacy’s blog at slackmeister.wordpress.com/
… View Stacy’s photos at www.flickr.com/photos/crossthegreenmountain/