Project 365 Day 13: Lucky For Some

Project 365 Day 13: Lucky For Some
wedding cake toppers
Image by Greg McMullin
13-01-10 Well day 13 has certainly been unlucky for me. Firstly the light in my flat has been flat and dull all day. Secondly I have no inspiration at all today. I got up early to do some revision and it has just left me groggy and tired, the revision went OKthough so its not all bad. Then when I came to take the shot most of them came out blurry due to there not being enough light. Then to cap it all it realised I had somehow set the camera to shoot in White Balance bracketed mode! Huh? Anyway it was a struggle to get any kind of shot sorted for this post so I hope you will be happy with what I managed. Today’s prop is some of our wedding gifts, plus the decoration from the top of the cake. The terrible light led me to do some post production on it. I mostly used Silver Efex Pro to convert to B&W and Colour Efex Pro to add Tonal Contrast. A big vignette was then added in Lightroom. The title today comes from both it being day 13 and that I feel lucky to have met and then married my beautiful wife and also that we were so lucky to get such nice presents!

Manual Page Read: Page 100 – Shooting with the White Balance shifted (WB Bracket) – Well It had to be didn’t it, accidentally discovering a feature is not the same as understanding it.

Images Viewed: I was looking through my RSS feeds today and thought I would share a blog with you. Todays blog recommendation is

Other Inspiration: Again my head has been in the books this morning, if it gets you thinking it’s inspiration right?

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